rumah tanah dijual di mojokerto jombang surabaya

rumah tanah dijual di mojokerto jombang surabaya

laman tentang jual beli rumah, tanah dan bangunan dijual di mojokerto, jombang, surabaya

ketik lokasi dimana anda sedang mencari rumah-tanah-bangunan :

Kamis, 07 Januari 2016


Welcomed the new industrial area Mojokerto - East Java - Indonesia

the author still less fluent in English, so if you want to contact him, please use email only....
This is a map of East Java - Indonesia. Pink is mojokerto, Blue is Surabaya. Between Surabaya and Mojokerto within 60 km. Existing toll lanes and rail lines. While the transportation of Surabaya - Indonesia already available to other States Port of Tanjung Perak and Juanda International Airport. It's easy to build industry in Mojokerto - East Java - Indonesia. Getting land for industry is still easy.
Surabaya-Mojokerto toll continues to speed up the process and is currently estimated to be completed around 65 percent. Even so the effect is already beginning to be felt in the local population Mojokerto, especially in areas which are in the north of the Brantas River. Including areas that are projected to be a new
industrial area, the District Gedeg, Jetis, Kemlagi and Dawar blandong. Land here is already quite expensive when compared to pre-project TOLL road SUMO (SURABAYA - MOJOKERTO), if the first price permeternya only around Rp40.000, - now existing land owned by citizens who dare to bid up the price of
Rp 200,000, - permeternya , According to Mr. Suhanto, one resident Ngabar Village, Jetis, Mojokerto He claimed to have attended a meeting in the village hall Ngabar with the developer who is looking for a location for a housing. Even in Ngabar not only suitable for residential development, but is also suitable for the industry because the roads passing through the region has been in a cast that was built mojokerto government to anticipate the construction of factories and industry in the region.
contoh foto tanah industri dijual di mojokerto
However soil / land with an offer of 200,000, - per meter that does not necessarily make people willing to just let it go. Understandably it may be hereditary citizens have inherited fertile land that they manage sekrang. Their land is indeed a highly productive land for agriculture. So of course they claimed weight of releasing land that has been the foundation of their lives, although most of them on average say let go if the price is right. Because the lure price of Rp 200,000, - per meter according to them is nothing compared with other areas close to large factories such as the District Region Tarik Sidoarjo.Another thing that makes the owners of citizens who incidentally is a tenacious farmers, they are confused about what businesses. Which may join in any effort to make the plant still zero experience? They said they would release the land if there is a match the price, although the hearts and minds remain wary of their jobs after they were sold wetland fields. Because, during farming is their main occupation, if the land was so removed, then automatically they will change jobs. And the money from the sale of land that is planned to be used as working capital.....................

- INDUSTRIAL LAND FOR SALE IN lie within the region Kemlagi - MOJOKERTO

RUTABA.COM Jual beli rumah, tanah dan bangunan di Mojokerto dan Jombang
Cak Man (Suiman) Jl. Raya Prajuritkulon No.12 Kota Mojokerto
IM3 0856 55 25 75 91     Simpati 081 357 460 109     email :
It is also possible for those who do not want to change the cropping work, they will be looking for land in other areas of their villages or even outside the region, as it looks for land or land suitable and fitting dihati also often tricky. Not to mention the later adapt to the new environment. Facing these circumstances it is necessary serious thought. Should it persist in the environment, meaning he must find new revenue aside from farming because their land has been sold and is no longer their property. And we know that switching the profession of farming became merchants also a difficult thing to do. Because mental certainly has other merchants and farmers. As much as any money received after the sale of land, if not managed to produce certain things over time will run out as well. It is a struggle of ideas for landowners in Mojokerto whose territory will soon change the function into the industrial area.We reiterate that, although the effect has not been fully completed yet Surabaya-Mojokerto toll road construction had already begun. Include land and land in Mojokerto, especially that crossed the road TOL SUMO price to soar. Roam the land speculators, brokers popping up even there are people who dare to hold a meeting with residents and claiming to be the official and has obtained permission from the government of Mojokerto.
an example of a map of the area industrial Mojokerto, East Java Indonesia
To anticipate positive effects Toll Sumo, Mojokerto regency government had been preparing for industrial land in the area which will be used as an industrial area. This area is planned to be in the north of the Brantas River, which includes the District Gedeg, Jetis, Kemlagi and Dawar blandong. Later, this area will be set up much like the region Ngoro Mojokerto industry which now has dense with buildings and industrial plants. During this time Ngoro Industrial Persada become an attraction for foreign investors (many of Taiwan) to build a plant there and has a lot to absorb labor in Mojokerto and surrounding areas.
Although many parties agree to make the plan lands north of the Brantas River area as an industrial area, but also not a few people in this area who are concerned felt the negative impacts. Especially the front of the eye is the loss of agricultural land as well livelihood. Many farmers claimed land owners willing to give up their land because of drool from the sale of land that are huge. Once the land is sold, they should think again earning. And the most feared is that they can not use money from the sale of land for productive things (to open the business), but instead to the needs of the consumer, buying a motor vehicle or even build luxury homes. But it all comes back to each individual, how they behave facing environmental changes agrarian into an industrial environment. If creative we are sure, the money from the sale of land will be able to re-live them in their own land Ancestors, Mojokerto. They do not need to migrate from his village.A resident named Rudianto also was found, they are farmers, so if they switch professions other than farming, I am afraid they do not really master his new job and what happened instead compete with the others. In addition, the environmental impact is also certain to be the case, because it makes an area as an industrial area, must go through a thorough assessment.  

the author still less fluent in English, so if you want to contact him, please use email only....

RUTABA.COM Jual beli rumah, tanah dan bangunan di Mojokerto dan Jombang
Cak Man (Suiman) Jl. Raya Prajuritkulon No.12 Kota Mojokerto
IM3 0856 55 25 75 91     Simpati 081 357 460 109     email :

MOHON PERHATIAN jual beli rumah mojokerto jombang

PERLU DI BACA : KAMI MAKELAR BUKAN PEMBELI 1. Maaf jika respon dari kami lambat, karena kesibukan kami, silahkan sering cek 2. Mohon kalau ganti nomor HP. hubungi kami 3. Bagi yang mau nitip property mohon tulis minimal : UKURAN, SURAT, HARGA, LOKASI 4.Mohon sebut nama biar data tidak dobel. 5. Diatas judul ada KODE CM-..., itu adalah kode property yang dijual, KODE CR-..., itu adalah kode orang yang mencari property. Di bawah kalimat ada pro rmh..., itu adalah orang yang jual atau yang beli property. Nomor HP penjual dan pembeli kami simpan. 6.Untuk luar kota Mojokerto & Jombang, bukan prioritas, tapi tetap kami bantu. Terima kasih atas kerjasamanya